Hello there, and thank you for visiting my site for the first time!
I am an author - with my debut novel, Necropolis, released nearly four years ago. Read all about it on my site...
This is my first venture into the starts of blogging, I'm trying to get more into using Social Media and things I haven't used, as well as my first go at building a website - and I am pretty pleased with it!
So, as well as keeping you updated on my upcoming writing ventures - and I should hopefully have some updates soon regarding the next release and the current WIP - I will also be using this site as a way to document my venture into trying to widen my audience and reach more readers. But as an avid reader I will also use it to share some of the other books that I read and discover along the way!
Please feel free to come back soon and keep updated with my journey!
Check out Necropolis on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ff7Ge4, find me on Instagram @bethanevansauthor, Facebook Bethan Evans - Author, TikTok @bethanevans_author or on X @bethanevansbook, and please review it on Goodreads!
Thank you,
